Settlement Notification
BCENTRAL are pleased to inform you that the Certificate of Occupancy has been received and titles have now been registered with the Titles Office.
We are now in the final stage of the Settlement Process.
Please ensure your solicitor or nominated legal representative now books in your settlement date with our solicitor.
If you have any concerns regarding your settlement position, please contact Michelle at our office on (03) 9429 1575 – Press ‘3’, alternatively email [email protected]
Move-In Procedure
Please book your move in date with the building manager, Tideways Owners Corporation Managers, once settlement has been confirmed. Tideways use an online platform called MIMOR and this information will be contained in your handover manual. The following personnel can be contacted with your move-in requirements should you require assistance:
Operations Specialist – Samantha McNamara – [email protected]
(03) 9534 4614
All move ins are to be conducted via the carpark from the rear laneway entrance via Foster Street or Jasper Road. Strictly no large deliveries to be conducted through the front foyers.
All packing materials are to be collected and removed from the site.
Any damage caused to the Common Property by your move is your responsibility.
Key Collection
Once settlement has been confirmed by your legal representative, BCENTRAL will arrange to handover your keys, home owner’s manual and relevant documentation.
Your apartment keys and manual will be available for collection at the main building entrance foyer by appointment.
To arrange an appointment, please contact Michelle at our office on (03) 9429 1575 – Press ‘3’, alternatively email [email protected].
BCENTRAL would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your journey with us and congratulate you on your new investment at ALIA McKinnon.
We continue to look forward to our ongoing involvement to ensure the ALIA experience remains a positive and satisfying one.
We wish you all only the very best from all the team at BCENTRAL.