As your settlement journey begins with your new apartment it is important that you have all the information about your settlement you need, when you need it. That’s why we’re introducing the Bianco Purchaser’s Blog. Your one stop shop for Bianco Settlement Information.
In this blog we will keep you up to date with Bianco progress, right up until final leg of the settlement journey. We will cover areas like; updates from the developer, anticipated timings, helpful information about the settlement process & a quick snapshot of the development as it progresses toward settlement.
Click here to check out the blog and remember to bookmark so you can access it any time.
>> https://www.settlement-solutions.com.au/bianco-project-update/
Excavation on-site is progressing well with anticipated settlement on track for Quarter 1 2022 , subject to the unforeseen delays.
The excavation is completed for the basement and all inground services will start to be installed in the coming months. The Tower carne is also expected to be erected over the coming months.
Feel free to check out the site photo below.