Kingloch Parade, Wantirna – Construction Update, Q2 2023
Ah, Melbourne’s predictably cold and wet winter’s back! Despite the endless mud pits, things are processing smoothly on site.
What we can see: New fire hydrants, NBN installation, engineered steel ready to be cored into site and lots of muddy trades.
What we can’t see: Completed storm water, main water & all fire services pipes, more pits (with over 100 underground!) and you guessed it, another 2000m3 of soil gone. What we’ll see next: Final testing and certificates for all services, lot benching for pre slab works and a final tidy up for handover, along with some very exciting news you’ve all been waiting patiently for.
Check out the fast-paced work (pun intended)
So, where are we overall?
At this stage, you can expect to move in by September 2024
